Certified SOLUGEL® grass-fed collagen peptides


Certified SOLUGEL® grass-fed collagen peptides

We are pleased to announce that now we can offer you certified grass-fed collagen peptides from PB Leiner, one of the world’s leading collagen and gelatin producers.

Certified SOLUGEL® grass-fed collagen peptides

Third party certified grass-fed SOLUGEL® collagen peptides are PB Leiner’s  solution for pure and sustainably sourced ingredients. They are sourced from free-range, grass-fed cattle and free from hormones, antibiotics, anabolic steroids. Certified grass-fed SOLUGEL® collagen peptides are your answer to the growing consumer interest in animal well-being and ingredient sourcing.

Consumers are increasingly concerned about animal well-being; they want to know the story behind the products and they are willing to pay extra for brands and ingredients with such claim.

Certified SOLUGEL® grass-fed collagen peptides are PB Leiner’s premium solution sourced from grass-fed cattle in Latin America. The cattle are raised outdoors, spending 100% of their lifetime on grass and pasture. Confinement for feeding purpose is forbidden.

collagen peptides certified grass-fedgrassfed certified

The raw material sourcing and process of production to obtain grass-fed SOLUGEL® product are certified by LIAF Control SRL., a member of American Grassfed Association. The cattle are raised on farms with protocols towards animal well-being and they are free from hormones, antibiotics, and anabolic steroids. Therefore, with certified grass-fed SOLUGEL® collagen peptides, you can offer the same health benefits to your consumers while responding to their even highest demands for pure and sustainably sourced collagen peptides.

Please find the product information following the Link illustrated with a video. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information or samples.

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