We are pleased to introduce our new partner Oxypharm; specialist in surface disinfection by air (DSVA) with innovative technology.


We are pleased to introduce our new partner Oxypharm; specialist in surface disinfection by air (DSVA) with innovative technology.

Oxypharm offers a range of bio-pharmaceutical products that respond to the disinfection issues of our customers, particularly on transfer systems, manufacturing equipment that complies with GMP standards. With our range of machines, you are guaranteed to treat all your surfaces whatever their size, your transfer equipment whose users find it difficult to disinfect them.
Automated disinfection of the air and surfaces of a room is carried out using a range of fully biodegradable disinfectant products without any risk of corrosion. Thus, all the products offered by Oxypharm are completely biodegradable, perfectly respectful of the environment and safe for human beings.
There are two models depending on the volume to be treated: Nocotech (1-1000m3) Nocomax Easy (500 to 20,000m3). No preparation required before treatment (except cleaning) or intervention after treatment (no need to wipe or air).
Do not hesitate to contact us for any further information.

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